• Хөдөлмөрийн гавьяаны улаан тугийн одонт Н.Дашийн нэрэмжит Гэмтэл согог судлалын үндэсний төв
  • Dear customers, based on the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Mongolia, Minister of Health's orders numbered 459/280/182 dated December 9, 2013, the Minister of Health's order number 380 dated 2014, the Minister of Health's order number 223 dated July 4, 2014, the Minister of Health's order number A/228 dated 2016, and orders numbered 289/A dated November 16, 2016, from the Director of the National Trauma and Orthopaedic Research Center of Mongolia regarding the updated approval of payment tariffs, we are providing paid medical assistance services to citizens.

    Order numbered 459/280/182 dated December 9, 2013, from the Minister of Health, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Mongolia.

    Order number 380 dated 2014 from the Minister of Health

    Order number 223 dated July 4, 2014 from the Minister of Health

    Order number 289/A dated November 16, 2016, from the Director of the National Trauma and Orthopaedic Research Center of Mongolia regarding the updated approval of payment tariffs

    Order number A/228 dated 2016 from the Minister of Health